NOTE: Incorrect charts will be returned without any of the points on the chart calculated or added to our tallies for any division, which may prevent a player from being included in the final ratings if it is not returned or able to be returned back to us by the player before the final deadline – so read these directions and follow them accordingly. (We will not be responsible for incorrect charts that are returned and not received by the player!)


1. USE CURRENT CHART - You must use a point chart from the most current issue of the magazine.
2. LEGIBILITY - You must print all information, and it must be legible.
3. COMPLETENESS / CORRECTNESS - All information must be completely filled in and be correct.
4. SKIL / NBL CHARTS SEPARATE - SKIL and NBL points must be on separate charts and checked (checkmark) as SKIL or NBL.
5. LOST CHART - SKIL/NBL is not responsible for point charts lost in the mail or not received by fax. To ensure that we receive your chart, send it by registered or certified mail.
6. NO PHONE VERIFICATIONS - We cannot verify points or receipt of charts over the phone. Points must be verified by submitting point charts by the deadlines. We cannot verify places taken at tournaments. Any questioning of other players’ points will be handled by written request only and must be received before September 10. NO EXCEPTIONS!
7. PHOTOCOPY - Keep a photocopy of a blank chart and the completed charts you send to us.


1. MEMBERSHIP - You must become a SKIL member. The circuit season runs from July 1 to June 30.
2. TOURNAMENTS MUST BE SKIL RATED - Each tournament you use for points must be in the tournament listings of Sport Karate Magazine as a rated event or be confirmed as a rated event by our office.
3. TOURNAMENTS FROM CURRENT SEASON - Only use tournaments from one SKIL season - July 1 to June 30.
4. SEPARATE POINTS FOR BLACKBELT AND UNDER BLACKBELT - If you change rank from an under belt to a blackbelt, do not combine points earned in both onto one chart. Tally each on a separate chart and circle the appropriate SKIL rank division under “B” below.
5. SEPARATE POINTS FOR TWO AGE CATEGORIES - If you turn 18 or 35 between January 1 and June 30 and then compete at that age level then points previously earned at the younger age cannot be used on your point chart for your 18 or 35 year old standings.
6. EACH SCORE FROM A DIFFERENT TOURNAMENT - Within each score box below (sparring, forms. weapons, self-defense), every score must have been from a different tournament. SKIL must be point not continuous sparring wins.
7. TOP 8 SCORES MAXIMUM EACH SUBMISSION - Fill in your top eight (or most you have) highest tournament scores in each box each time you submit a chart. All updated charts must include any previously submitted points. We will process only eight scores for each division. We tabulate only the most recently received chart.
8. SENIORS - Seniors must fill out separate point charts if they want to be rated in both 35+ and 18+. Seniors can transfer points earned in 35+ women’s sparring to 18+ sparring but cannot transfer 35+ men’s sparring or 35+ men’s forms or 35+ women’s forms to any 18+ charts. Any 18+ points can be transferred to 35+ charts. No points from one divisional win at a tournament can be used for two ratings (18+ & 35+). Seniors must put their weapons and self defense totals onto their adult (18+) or senior (35+) point chart that has the highest forms and sparring total, so that they receive their highest possible overall point total.
9. TOTALS - Total each box and tabulate the overall points at the bottom of the chart (D).
10. CHART DEADLINES - You MUST submit a point chart by mail or fax by the following deadlines for us to update your points in each issue. Members not submitting an updated point chart by the deadlines will have their previous points printed. Members name will be printed without any points if we haven’t received a chart during the season. The chart must be postmarked or faxed by January 10, May 10 and the final chart by September 10. Ten additional points will be added to the players totals in forms, weapons, sparring and self defense for both the January 10 and May 10 tabulations if we receive a point chart by each of those deadlines. Send only one chart per deadline if possible, not after each event you attend. We will not accept responsibility for mail or fax delivery errors. For best results, send it by registered mail. Players submitting a point chart after September 10 will be charged $50 for point chart to be accepted plus any applicable membership fees.
11. ERRORS - Any errors on our part in the final ratings will be changed for proper Amateur Internationals seeding. Errors on the player’s part because of incorrect submission of point charts, will not without a penalty fee as described above.


1. MEMBERSHIP - NBL has no membership, your ratings are free. The season is February 1 to September 30.
2. THE TOURNAMENT MUST BE NBL RATED - The tournament must be in the NBL listings for the year.
3. MARK CONFERENCE AND DIVISION NUMBER - Clearly mark the NBL Conference and correct NBL division number below each points box. Division numbers are listed on the “ NBL INFORMATION” page just after the NBL tournament listings in the front of each magazine. You MUST use those numbers.
4. ONE DIVISION PER CHART - You must use a separate chart if you compete in multiple divisions within one event (ie., FORMS: if you competed in both musical forms and Korean forms. You cannot combine these points into one chart. Use separate charts.)
5. ONE CONFERENCE PER CHART - You must submit a separate chart for each conference. Do not combine points of two
different conferences onto one points box of the same chart.
6. DIVISION TRANSFER - Points that were earned in one division can only be transferred to another division if the tournament did not offer the division you want them transferred to and if the division you competed in is similar in nature.
7. WEIGHTS / AGES : We cannot transfer points if you incorrectly competed at the wrong age or in the wrong weight class (except junior continuous sparring).
8. TOTAL - All updated charts must include any previously submitted points. Total each box.
9. CHART DEADLINES - All charts for NBL point corrections and/or verification are accepted only after September 1 and must be postmarked by September 30. We will not accept responsibility for mail delivery errors or unreceived or illegible fax. For best results, send it by registered mail.
10. ERRORS - Any player failing to verify or correct their NBL points by point chart by September 30 and then find an error in their points that they want corrected for Super Grands seeding will be charged $25 to have each ratings error corrected depite whose fault the error is. However, errors in other NBL people’s points that affect that player will be corrected after the September 30 deadline without charge. Corrections to ratings for Super Grands seeding made after the Super Grands pre-registration
deadline will cost $50 per correction and only made if the correction can still be verified and no matter whose fault the error is.

SKIL/NBL Point Chart (PDF)