Sport Karate International (SKIL) ranks both blackbelts and under blackbelts. SKIL rankings are free with the submission of a point chart and competitors can compete at and earn points at any karate tournament that is sanctioned (rated) by SKIL. A member who places in the top 3 places at a C sanctioned event or top 4 places at B, BB, or BBB sanctioned events or the top 8 places at A, AA or AAA sanctioned events receives points toward their ranking. A member can accumulate points in for events; sparring, forms, weapons, and self defense. We do not awards points or rank grand championships, breaking and team sparring competition. Players’ updated rankings are available at our website ( - then click on SKIL) three (3) times a year, February 1st, June 1st and the final rankings in October.

When a player submits a point chart, he/she may back track to the beginning of the season (July 1) and credit him/herself for any points he/she has earned at any prior SKIL sanctioned tournaments. It is the responsibility of the member to tally his/her ranking points on an official SKIL / NBL point chart and submit it in accordance to the chart instructions and deadline dates.

A player can only earn points at tournaments that have officially been sanctioned with SKIL despite what may be printed on a tournament brochure or elsewhere. Official SKIL sanctioned tournaments are included in the tournament listings in our website ( - then click Tournaments). Any tournament claiming to be sanctioned by SKIL but not listed in the website can only be verified by phoning SKIL executive offices.

The season begins July 1 of one year, and ends June 30 of the following year. A member can retain his/her eight (8) highest scores from the tournaments he/she has competed in for each division during the season. By using this system to obtain ranking points, a competitor is ranked more by his/her ability of performance than by the quantity of tournaments that he/she attends. This helps cut down on the “burn out” factor of tournament competition and allows for more competitive competition since the cost factor and expense is greatly reduced.

2016 SKIL Point Chart

Super Grands World Games & Amateurs International Info
The SKIL Amateur Internationals determines, through head-to-head competition, true international amateur sport karate champions for each year. This yearly international championship is open to anyone regardless of SKIL ranking, however all Sport Karate International (SKIL) ranked members will be eligible to be seeded (placed into a preferred position of competition) if they preregister for the event. Seeding is explained in the Sport Karate International Tournament Alliance (SKITA) Rulebook ( - then click SKITA Rulebook). The SKIL Amateur Internationals is held after the end of each year’s competition season in November, December or January. This event is held at the same location and same week as the National Blackbelt League’s (NBL) Super Grands World Games.

The event coincides with the NBL and SKIL Sport Karate Banquet. Each year the NBL Super Grands World Games and the Amateur Internationals generally moves to a different location throughout the world.